Wednesday, November 18, 2009

5 Tips To Work From Home Successfully

Working from home has been great but it wasn't always that way. I struggled to get the ball rolling with my web sites and even started to panic thinking I might have to go back to work for someone else.
The first work from home tip I am passing on to you is:

Tip #1 Make A Plan For Success And Then Really Work Your Plan
Hind-site is 20/20 they say. I can certainly see now that if I had made a plan before I started working at home I would have saved myself a lot of stress but that's just not me. I kind of jump into things and pay for it later as I did with internet marketing.

Tip #2 Don't Take On More Than You Can Handle
It's kind of strange but these are the points I should have been following. Sure wish someone had written this article back in 2001.
I just kept starting new things before I completing the previous things I started, just adding more stress trying to keep up with it all hoping one thing would start to produce an income.
One day, after months and months of saying I was going to cut back, I started to drop sites that weren't producing anything at all. I went from 30 web sites down to just 18 over night. I immediately felt much lighter.
Don't bite off more than you can chew my suggestion is to start with just one site and work it. Do the required research and stick with it.
What I finally did was to take my hobbies and interests and start blogging about them. Then I realized that a lot of my subject just didn't lend themselves to earning. I also came to the realization that I should only work that subjects I spent money on. What a revelation and it only took me a couple of years to figure that out. DUH!!

Tip #3 Find Other Relevant Sites In Your Niche
When you start working at home it can be lonely and long hours so be sure you find others in your niche and communicate with them. Start networking from the start, with only relevant sites though.
Forums: Find forums that have members that have the same interests as you. Forums allow you to have a signature that appears at the bottom of your discussions and you can have a link there pointing back to where ever you want. That link of course should point back to your site which is relevant to the content on the forum.
Do this with a few good forums that are in your niche but stay focused. It's really easy to waste time but remember you work from home and time is money.
Blog Commenting: Commenting on relevant blogs is important. A key factor to your success here is being the first to comment and making sure you add value to the blog post. This way you will have most readers see your comment because it's first and of course the blog owner will see and most likely respond to it.
There is real power in being the first to comment on a blog with real content.

Tip #4 Publish Keyword Focused Articles On Top Article Directories
This can shot your right over the top if you do it correctly. People are always looking from something and if you have articles published on topics people are looking for you stand to do just great.
I like to make an article that focuses on a keyword phrase or two, giving great information of course, and then publish it. My first choice, always, is EzineArticles. Then once it's accepted there I modify the article a little, at least 30% and then publish on the next top article directory.
I just keep modifying the article and then publish it on the next article directory.
I have 9 article directories I use, they all have a pagerank of 4 (PR4) or higher.

Tip #5 Apply Affiliate Marketing To All Your Web Pages

As far as I am concerned it all comes down to affiliate programs and affiliate marketing. Without a method for making money with my web sites I would just be blogging about what interests me when my goal is to make a living working from home.
I have a few fishing and gardening blogs and web sites so I spend time looking from products that my readers want. As a fisherman I know what I want and I spend a lot of money on what I want so I know what other fishers both men and women want when they are fishing and I provide that to them through affiliate marketing. The same with my gardening sites.

So in conclusion:
Make sure you have a plan and work your plan
Create one site and do it right before moving on to a second site
Network with other relevant web sites
Market through article marketing
Focus on affiliate marketing.

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